Sunday, September 09, 2007


You folks must be thinking that I don't eat anymore.

Silly people... trust me. I am as fat as ever.

And I will get back to what I have been doing... over this last month. Really.

In the mean time I am previewing something that I started with my husband, Fun Daddy, or as he prefers to be called, Kevin. He came up with this crazy idea. See, we at Chez Maman drink a bit of wine..

Oh, Ok.. alot of wine. Why not find some way to talk about it online.... See Kevin thinks he can come up with some way that I can at least write off my wine drinking.... Crazy, I know. who would believe that.

In the meantime, feel free to take a look...


in the meantime, I will be cooking and eating and drinking mostly wine (although today I am onto cheap beer! whhoa!)



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