Thursday, November 08, 2007

Doggies need food too!

And believe it or not, I made treats for my pooch, Cinnamon.

The ingredients?

Two eggs, a handful of dried parsley, a cup of flour, another of cornmeal, a little garlic and a container of chicken livers. The package that I used was from Perdue Chicken and contained 1.25 lbs. I took all the incredients and poured them into my food processor and whirred them around until it was smooth. The smell was nasty and so was the look of it... but this is for my sweet pooch.

I poured the mixture into a foil lined jelly roll pan and then into a 3750 oven for 25 minutes. And no, the smell did not improve. But Cinnamon went NUTS, so I could tell I was on the right track.

After the treats cooled I cut them with a pizza cutter and placed them into a zip-lock bag where the stench is contained from both man and beast.

But Cinnamon is happy. Hell, she is my slave currently. So I think I did alright by her.

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